Monday 7 June 2010

Nearly finished ...

... so this blog hasn't really been 'progress' has it - there have been loads of stages in between, but fininshing at 2 or 3am just meant I was so tired I couln't gather the strength to take pictures and blog.

BUT - finally, we are a two-utility items family with two of shower, toilet and sink, though the sink hot tap still needs plugging in. Note I hate plumming - hence the extra long flexi tape connectors. I think the last blog only had 6 tiles on - this image shows the majority of the tiling complete - and the toilet, shower and sink working fine.

Nite nite ...


Sunday 11 April 2010

Hi again

Progress at last - 6 tiles on the wall, but whilst rotating this image I just couldn't resist some e-tiling, and look at the results - in just two minutes I've got the other 1/2 of the wall done!

Other progress you might not notice is all the electrics looms are in - lighting and fan - and only two more underfloor connectons to make (shower waste and toilet supply) to make before I can tomb the floor. My e-tiling has obscured the neat job of the shower plumbing (professional plumber).

Next jobs - continue r-tiling (reality), a little more plastering to do and work out how to fill a 3cm gap in the ceiling (plasterboard is 1.8m and room is 1.83 - oh dear)

Kindest to all


Wednesday 7 April 2010

Day 6 - slow progress

Here is the first picture taken a few days ago. As and when progress happens (Oh, it is so Slooooooooooow) I'll update:
